News list for " finlay"

MetaMask Lianchuang: Meme coin CONSENT has been issued on the WC and SOL chains for experience comparison, and the current higher income

MetaMask co-founder Dan Finlay posted on Warpcast that he is comparing the Meme experience of WC (Warpcast) and SOL. There are two tokens called CONSENT, and only one will win in the end. So far, the obvious result is that on Clanker, there will be a lot of people running and running, and on, at least the developers are the real founding members. For example, it is impossible to crowdfund an organization using Clanker's model. So far,...

2024-11-27 04:18:01

MetaMask 联合创始人 Dan Finlay 在 Warpcast 发文表示,正在比较 WC(Warpcast)和 SOL 的 Meme 币体验。有两个名为 CONSENT 的代币,最终只有一个会胜出。 到目前为止,显而易见的结果是:在 Clanker 上,会被大量的人抢跑和跑路;而在 上,至少开发者是真正的创始成员。例如,绝不可能用 Clanker 的模式为一个组织进行众筹。 到目前为止,...

2024-11-27 04:18:01